Student Login is Not Permitted at This Time

Welcome to the on-line locker management system for Kitsilano Secondary School.


  1. Login using your student number as the user id and initial password. For example, if your student number is 123456, your user id would be “123456” and your password would be “123456”. 
  2. Select a zone of the school in which you would like to have a locker. Note that as the availability of lockers in a zone the zone buttons will change from Yellow (many lockers available), to Orange (over 50% of lockers capacity assigned) to Red (no lockers available in zone).
  3. When a zone is selected the available lockers will be listed. A locker entry that is Green is an empty locker.
  4. Once you have selected a locker you will be shown the locker combination. You can login at any time to see your assigned locker and combination.  Your selected locker and combination will also be recorded in MyEd BC.
  5. You cannot change your locker through the online application.
  6. Do not change the lock on your selected locker or you will be subject to being removed from that selected locker.

If you see the message "Login is not permitted at this time - Student" you are in the system and will be able to sign up and select a locker between September 22, 2021, 6:00am and September 29, 2022, 4:00pm.  

If you see the message "Invalid username or password.  Please try again" you are not in the system due to not submitting a form indicating that you would like to use a locker this year.  A second round to request and select a locker will occur AFTER the first round completes on September 29, 2022, 4:00pm